Stanley Bridge marina upgrades will double boating capacity
New breakwater, dredging and additional slips all part of expansion

The Stanley Bridge Harbour Authority hopes that nearly $1 million in marina upgrades will attract more business and boaters to the area.
The harbour is now mainly used by fishermen.
Dales Doiron, 70, who has been fishing out of the marina for more than 40 years, said he's happy to see some improvements.
With more marina traffic, obviously, there's more people with wallets.- Steve Dimond, Stanley Bridge Harbour Authority
"Well it's a good thing for the harbour here, which we're short on boating space. So which we'll have more space for boats now."
Funding from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the harbour authority itself will help create space for about 40 more boats. That more than doubles the marina's capacity.
And a new breakwater is being built further out making it safer for boats inside the harbour.

"With more marina traffic, obviously, there's more people with wallets, so you tend to think how can you take advantage of that, in a very positive way, for the community," said Steve Dimond, a director on the Stanley Bridge Harbour Authority.
"With the Stanley River, the Southwest River and the probably 20 kilometres of river systems, there's a fair bit of active recreational boating and it helps sustain this harbour in terms of economics, so that's one of the reasons for the expansion."
The group hopes a new fuel station and washrooms will be built next.
The work is expected to wrap up in the next couple of weeks.