Stinky sewage smell in Stratford continues
Blue Frog system going in week of July 17

After months of delays, the town of Stratford, P.E.I., says it’s ready to install a wastewater treatment system next week, but the foul stench plaguing residents could linger.
The town’s population continues to outgrow the capacity of the sewage lagoons. Mayor Dave Dunphy says during the colder winter weather, solids weren't breaking down. As the weather warmed the backlogged waste started decomposing, but it was too much for one of the smaller lagoons to treat.
Back in March council announced a $1.5 million project called the Blue Frog system. The water circulation system should increase microbe growth and help fix the problem for about five to 10 years.
That system was supposed to go in this May, but Dunphy says the town had to delay because there's a chance polluted water could spill into the harbour during installation.
He says the town decided to delay until after the oyster fishery closes next week.
After the Blue Frog system is installed, it will take a couple of months before it's fully functioning.
Dunphy says the plant may smell again when this system is installed the week of July 17.
The town says it’s planning to upgrade or move the lagoon. But, in the meantime, it's been looking at short-term solutions, like the Blue Frog technology, to decrease the smell.