Stratford waits on cosmetic pesticide survey
Cosmetic pesticide bylaw waits on survey
The Town of Stratford, P.E.I. is waiting for the results of a resident survey before suggesting restrictions on cosmetic pesticide use.

The town has worked out a proposed bylaw with Charlottetown and the Town of Cornwall. That bylaw would ban lawn care companies from spraying commercial pesticides on lawns, but Stratford officials want more feedback from residents first.
They commissioned a survey of residents, and the results are expected this week.
"The town itself does not use pesticides on town-owned properties, so from a leadership standpoint we've been doing that for a number of years now," said Mayor David Dunphy.
"We just want to ensure that the community's engaged throughout the process, so that the decisions that are made are reflected by the community in which we live in."
Last month, the town held a cosmetic pesticides forum, where the pesticide industry, Health Canada and some in favour of a ban presented to officials. The public was not invited to that forum.
It will be up to Stratford council to vote for or against any proposed bylaw. The town says the earliest residents could see a ban would be January of next year.
For mobile device users: Is Stratford right to take its time with the cosmetic pesticide bylaw?