Suffering of dog draws $1,000 fine
Tumour prevented the dog from eating properly

A Prince Edward Island man whose starving and disfigured dog was seized by the P.E.I. Humane Society has been fined $1,000.
Wesley MacKenzie, 67 of Morell, pleaded guilty Thursday in Georgetown provincial court to one count of causing distress to a companion animal, under the provincial Companion Animal Act. The P.E.I. Humane Society officials seized the dog April 21 after receiving a tip from the public.
The man's dog, a 12-year yellow lab mix, wasn't able to eat or to groom himself properly as a result of a large and likely very painful tumour on his face and jaw, say Humane Society officials.
Veterinarians determined the dog, Basil, had been in a declining state of health for months. The animal was euthanized to end its suffering.
New legislation could save more animals
The Humane Society says it has investigated more than 100 separate cases so far this year under the Companion Animal Protection Act.

It says a bill now before the P.E.I. Legislature, the new Animal Welfare Act, could mean the difference between life and death for some of the animals they see.
The new Act would allow the inspectors to intervene even before a mistreated animal becomes sick or in distress. The new act would also increase fines, and, for the first time make jail time, up to 60 days, a possibility.
MacKenzie agreed to pay more than $200 in veterinary costs in addition to the $1,000 fine imposed by provincial court Judge Nancy Orr.
MacKenzie is also prohibited from owning companion animals for five years.