P.E.I. Teachers Federation ad campaign calls for more class resources
'Teachers are overworked and feel the learning conditions are suffering'

The P.E.I. Teachers Federation has launched a new ad campaign designed to draw attention to the need for more teachers and resources.
It features drawings of a classroom where the students with concerns ranging from anxiety and learning disabilities to being the target of bullying.
The president of the P.E.I. Teachers Federation Bethany MacLeod hopes it will point out the impact of cuts and the need to hire more teachers.
"Teachers are overworked and feel the learning conditions are suffering because of the amount of work that is piled on them and just the diverse needs in the classroom, the class composition," said MacLeod.
"You have students with severe disabilities. You have students with learning disabilities and you have students with behavioural issues. And teachers are trying to you know teach the curriculum on top of all this as well."
The P.E.I.T.F. is asking Islanders to contact their MLA to request more education resources.
MacLeod said the campaign will run until the end of March.