Third case of swine flu on P.E.I.
Health officials on P.E.I. reported a third case of swine flu confirmed on the Island Friday.
Toll-free number
Chief health officer Dr. Heather Morrison said all three cases on the Island have been mild.
"What we can tell you about the case is that it's an adult male, and he is doing very well," Morrison told CBC News Friday.
"It was considered a mild illness and he self isolated for a period of almost a week and is doing well and is now out and about. He was in contact with someone who had been ill and had been to Mexico."
Morrison said the other two people from P.E.I. who had the swine flu are now also out of isolation. She is reminding people to call the toll-free hotline if they are experiencing flu-like symptoms and have travelled to Mexico within the last 10 days, or have come in contact with someone who is sick and has recently returned from Mexico.
Symptoms of the virus are similar to those of common or seasonal influenza and include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue and occasionally diarrhea and vomiting.
Morrison said the best protection against swine flu or any virus is good hand washing with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand rub. Islanders were reminded to cough and sneeze into their arm or sleeve and stay at home if they are sick.