Top U.S. music school connects with P.E.I. college
Holland College grads will be able to carry credits to Boston's Berklee College
P.E.I.'s Holland College has signed an agreement with the Berklee College of Music in Boston to offer the U.S. school's curriculum in Charlottetown.

"It will make Holland College a very attractive alternative," said Holland College music instructor Alan Dowling.
"Especially to people who want to study contemporary music at the post-secondary level."
Under the agreement students who complete the two-year program at Holland College could apply to continue their studies in Boston. Two more years of study there would earn them the same degree as students who study all four years in Boston.
"We're arming [Holland College students] with some information that is going to help push them a little bit further," said Jason Camelio, Berklee's director of international programs.
"Even if they don't come to Berklee, they're going to be armed with that information. They're going to be better musicians."

Getting into the school is far from guaranteed for the Holland College grads. Berklee's reputation has been built on the more than 200 Grammies won by its alumni. Seven thousand students audition and interview to get into the school every year.
But first year Holland College student Evan McCosham hopes the relationship between schools will give him and edge.
"If you're already introduced to Berklee through Holland College, I think you already have an advantage as far as gaining entrance for one thing, but also succeeding once you get there," said McCosham.
Acceptance is just the first hurdle for students wishing to go to the Boston school. If accepted to Berklee, tuition alone for an international student will cost more than $35,000.