Vicki Li

Vicki Li is not yet a Canadian citizen, and until few years ago she had never heard of bagels, but she is now the owner-operator of the Great Canadian Bagel in Charlottetown.
After I taste the bagel, I like the bagel too.- Vicki Li
In 2010 Li and her husband moved to P.E.I. from China, where they had been running a successful steel supply business. They began looking for work, but the province has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country, and having limited skills in English made it even more difficult for the couple.
"I'm looking for the job. It's hard to look, so finally we want to do our business," she said.
Li is still amused by the business opportunity that came up. She had never even seen a bagel before coming to Canada.
"We don't have any bagel," she said.
"The North American people like bagel. And after I taste the bagel, I like the bagel too."
Li is pleased for the opportunity, because she is enjoying life on the Island. The couple came to Canada for a slower pace, cleaner air, and a less stressful school experience for their daughter.
"I like this place. I like the P.E.I. So I try to find some way to support my family, to live here. So I buy the business," she said.
"We put all our heart in here, and we try to make the very best Great Canadian bagel, and make customers happy."