Workers Compensation Board of P.E.I. releases annual report
The number of workplace injuries rose by three per cent last year, says the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of P.E.I.
The average length of time workers stay on a claim increased in 2014

The number of workplace injuries rose by three per cent last year, according to the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) of P.E.I.
In its annual report, the board says there was one workplace death as the result of an occupational disease in 2014.
The average length of time injured workers spent on a claim increased by four days, which is something WCB is looking into.
"We're just looking at whether the injuries are changing, [whether] it has something to say about an aging demographic which means that people probably get injured more frequently and they take longer to get back to work and take longer to heal," said Sharon Cameron, board CEO.
She says there was also a record high satisfaction level from injured workers in 2014.