P.E.I. Workers Compensation Act change allows creation of safety associations
Industry employers would pay a levy to Workers Compensation Board for programming

A change has been made to the P.E.I. Workers Compensation Act to allow for the creation and funding of safety associations, says the province.
"In addition to health and safety programs, safety associations can help promote awareness and education in accident prevention," said Stuart Affleck, chair of the Workers Compensation Board of P.E.I. in a news release.
A bill to amend the act, introduced into the Legislative Assembly in 2013, included a provision to allow for safety associations. It was brought into effect Oct. 1.
Safety associations are paid for by employers in the industry represented by the association.
For association to be created, the majority of the employers would have to support the idea.
The Workers Compensation Board will collect the money through an additional levy on employers.
The idea will now go to public consultation.
The board anticipates the policy process will be finished by the end of the year.