70 Mile Yard Sale draws bargain hunters to eastern P.E.I.
Money from registered vendors will go to the Wood Islands and Area Development Corporation.

Eastern Prince Edward Island is the place to be for bargain hunters this weekend.
The 18th annual 70 Mile Yard Sale is being held for charity. Money from registered vendors will go to the Wood Islands and Area Development Corporation.
The group operates the Wood Islanders Welcome Centre and Wood Islands lighthouse.
Coordinator Audrey Shillabeer said the money will help the group provide more services.
"We need to extend the high season for businesses and tourism operators out here in eastern P.E.I. and probably all across P.E.I., quite frankly," she said.
Shillabeer hopes a longer season will attract visitors from the United States.
"We want to showcase eastern P.E.I. We get people from North Carolina, Massachusetts, all sorts of these states, the eastern states."
The event usually attracts about 40,000 people.
Lots of traffic and big turnout for 70 mile yard sale in eastern <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/PEI?src=hash">#PEI</a> <a href="http://t.co/neQ1KIiBK2">pic.twitter.com/neQ1KIiBK2</a>