5 photos that will teach you about the aboriginal experience
For more than a year, Paul Seesequasis has devoted his Twitter feed to historical photos of aboriginal people from the 1800s on. It's his way of shaping perceptions of aboriginal people.
Paul Seesequasis has curated photos of aboriginal people in history and is sharing them via Twitter

For more than a year, Paul Seesequasis has devoted his Twitter feed to historical photos of aboriginal people from the 1800s on. It's his way of shaping perceptions of aboriginal people. Imagery of aboriginal people is often romanticized, said Seesequasis, who is the editor-in-chief of Theytus Books. He thinks people don't see photos like these enough.
A good photo, he said, can capture a moment in a way text cannot.
Here are five of his favourite photos he has curated.
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