ATMs, cash, cigarettes stolen in break and enters in western Sask. this month: RCMP
Mounties believe 3 break and enters could be related

RCMP are investigating three break and enters at businesses in western Saskatchewan this month and say all three cases could be related.
On Saturday, RCMP received a report of a break and enter at a business in Eatonia, about 215 kilometres southwest of Saskatoon.
An unknown male broke in and stole an ATM, the cash inside it and cigarettes, according to an RCMP news release.
RCMP say the man was wearing a face covering and light-coloured gloves, possibly welding gloves. He drove a black Chevrolet Avalanche.
Police recovered part of the ATM north of Eatonia later on Saturday, but it had no money inside of it.
On July 6, RCMP received a similar report of a break and enter at a business in Burstall, about 280 kilometres southwest of Saskatoon.
RCMP say two suspects broke in then stole an ATM, cash, cigarettes and a brass till.
Police recovered the ATM west of Burstall later that day, but once again it was empty.
RCMP say both of the suspects appeared to be males wearing balaclavas and gloves, possibly welding gloves. They also drove a black Chevrolet Avalanche. The Mounties say one of the suspects was wearing tight blue jeans and grey loafer-like shoes with white shoelaces, and the other was wearing light coloured cargo-pants with a dark sweater and a baseball cap with glasses resting on the rim.
RCMP also received a report of an activated alarm at a business north of Leader, about 245 kilomwtres southwest of Saskatoon, on July 3.
An unknown person or people broke into the building and stole coins, according to the news release.
Anyone who has information on the break and enters or recognizes the Black Chevrolet Avalanche or the suspects is asked to contact RCMP or Saskatchewan Crime Stoppers.