Daniel Dalman
Daniel is a writer and avid Instagram-er living in Saskatoon. When not leaving people on read he can be found enjoying a glass of wine, dining out, and taking a spin class — although he rarely does all three at the same time. Follow him on Instagram: @DanielDalman.
Latest from Daniel Dalman

Point of View
The myth of more 'free' time during the pandemic — and how pressure to use it productively might hurt
We are told there are two options, writes Daniel Dalman: fight or flight. Fight the problem or run from it with a ton of busy work. But maybe there is a third option, one we’ve chosen and feel bad about picking. Can’t we just freeze? Simply stay still and quiet until this is over?
Canada -Saskatoon |

Secret Santa is one of the most stressful holiday traditions: Here's how to deal
Secret Santa is one of the holiday’s most divisive, most sinister and most stressful gift-giving traditions. In homes and in offices, between friends and relations, acquaintances and enemies, people are covertly buying gifts for each other. Why? Torture, I assume.
Canada -Saskatoon |

Point of View
Status — 'In A Relationship': Why reactions to my recent coupling rubbed me the wrong way
The world is changing. The idea that being in a relationship is the definition of success is over.
Canada -Saskatoon |

Point of View
Dear 18-year-old me: Be your authentic self, be kind to that self, and don't be afraid to grow
"This time of year makes me nostalgic – for the time you are living in, for the simplicity of your life, and for the precipice that you stand on," Daniel Dalman writes to his 18-year-old self. "But it also makes me sad. Because I remember how sad you are."
Canada -Saskatoon |

I tried decluttering — and realized I love everything I own
Daniel Dalman attempted Marie Kondo's famous method of organization, and ended up with a home that is the antithesis of zen.
Canada -Saskatoon |

Useless facts, distracting clothes and A Star is Born: Navigate holiday parties with these tips
Like death and taxes, awkward conversations are unavoidable. Daniel Dalman has compiled the following list of conversation tips to help you navigate the perils of these situations.
Canada -Saskatoon |

Point of View
'Do I have to stop hating my blood?': Gay man reacts to proposed reduction in donor wait time
"It should be less a matter of orientation and more a matter of facts."
Canada -Saskatoon |