Martha Neovard
Martha Neovard resides in Regina with her three daughters, two dogs and one husband. She works as a childbirth and infant feeding educator in southern Saskatchewan and enjoys opera music, irony and creative writing.
Latest from Martha Neovard

First Person
How I spent a year learning to respect my body instead of wishing for a different one
I have been an enthusiastic resolutioner for as long as I can remember. But each year of putting myself through this, I’d finish out the year sicker than I'd begun it. Until last year.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Sask.'s latest COVID-19 restrictions are contrary and illogical, and put business ahead of lives
We can meet our parents at the gym, take them for a steak dinner, or go bowling together. But if we want to let them see their grandchildren in a safe private space, we need to rotate people into the backyard or face steep fines.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Point of View
Despite the chaos, stress and glitter, I know I'll miss my kids being home when this is over
I’m trying to find gratitude in an impossible situation.
Canada -Saskatchewan |
Point of View
'This is how we are going to move forward': Social experiment humanizes political discourse
This Thanksgiving weekend, if you engage in political discussion at the supper table, remember to start from a place of curiosity and ask "which of your life experiences has shaped your political views?"
Canada -Saskatchewan |

First Person
Miracle on Ring Road: The rare elation of a Regina zipper merge done right
Experience Regina, they say. We all laugh and laugh and laugh. But recently, I truly did experience Regina.
Canada -Saskatchewan |