Sarath Peiris
Sarath Peiris was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in 1955 and spent his career at the Moose Jaw Times Herald and Saskatoon StarPhoenix. He was the StarPhoenix’s opinions editor and editorial writer.
Latest from Sarath Peiris

Danielle Smith's victory gives Scott Moe room to move Saskatchewan even more to the right
Saskatchewan solidified its position as Canada’s most conservative province Monday after UCP Leader Danielle Smith’s narrowest-ever majority win by a party in the Alberta election.
Canada -Saskatchewan |
Premier is embarrassing Saskatchewan by ignoring doctors during pandemic
Saskatchewan's response to COVID-19 has been a shameful testament about what Premier Scott Moe values over health care and the province's citizens.
Canada -Saskatoon |

Sask. premier has work cut out for him facing reality of another Liberal minority government
Saskatchewan once again finds itself on the outside looking in after Monday’s federal election that saw the entire province covered in blue, outdoing even neighbouring Alberta.
Canada -Saskatoon |
Moe government needs better budget solution than 'let's hang on to what we've got'
Saskatchewan Finance Minister Donna Harpauer’s latest budget might as well have been presented in sky-writing for all the permanence it will have over the coming year, given the province’s rapidly changing circumstances and the unaddressed challenges that will need action before too long.
Canada -Saskatoon |

Supreme Court's carbon tax ruling means it's time for Moe to take the climate challenge seriously
Rather than continue to tilt against windmills (or solar panels or geothermal wells), Moe must show some true leadership.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Sask. leaders' debate gave undecided voters clear contrast between party policies
Compared to the verbal slugfest that was the 2007 leaders’ debate, the bout between Scott Moe and Ryan Meili was a civil affair that was long on detail, much of it within the margins of credibility.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Why revelations about Scott Moe's past are not likely to change minds of Saskatchewan voters
It’s not been a great week in Saskatchewan politics. Sadly, it will probably get worse as the election nears.
Canada -Saskatchewan |
Sask. government counting on this budget to get it past voting day, but more pain on the horizon
Consider that Saskatchewan hasn't made any progress with tackling its accumulated debt over the past decade, even though the period has been the most prosperous in provincial history. Every penny of revenue, mostly from resources, has been spent as fast it came in, and then some. This budget promises more of the same.
Canada -Saskatoon |
Sask. should set up a futures fund using share of natural resource revenues
As counterintuitive as the notion might seem when Finance Minister Donna Harpauer is projecting a budget shortfall that could be as high $3.3 billion due to factors beyond the province’s control, it’s time for the Saskatchewan government to set up a futures fund using a share of natural resource revenues.
Canada -Saskatoon |

Sask. has 2nd highest testing in Canada. Why don't we have enough data to closely project the peak?
The COVID-19 modelling numbers presented Wednesday by the Saskatchewan Health Authority were eye-popping. The problem is that Saskatchewan’s modelling is based on three scenarios based on the outcomes in other regions, among them China and Italy, unlike Alberta’s projections based on data collected within the province.
Canada -Saskatoon |