Steven Lewis
Health policy analyst
Steven Lewis is a health policy consultant formerly based in Saskatchewan. He now lives in Vancouver.
Latest from Steven Lewis

Saskatchewan's decade-old promise on 90-day surgery times has failed and will fail again
The only things certain in life are death, taxes and Saskatchewan not achieving a 90-day maximum surgical wait time by the target date of 2030.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Saskatchewan's ambiguous pandemic communication feels political
What explains the reluctance to do better? Consider the politics.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Sask. has ignored good evidence for slowing the spread of COVID-19, which could be catastrophic
Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe frames COVID control as a choice between reducing risks and saving the economy. This explains the reluctance to close high-risk environments known to be contagion hotbeds.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

We need a permanent surge in prevention spending to avoid the next pandemic
Will COVID-19 prove to be a game-changer? Only if it’s a mind-set changer.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

We don't know what victory looks like yet, but when this is over we must take stock of lessons learned
In a pandemic, decision-makers are faced with a tough balancing act in the face of major uncertainty: not doing enough versus doing too much. No one wants to risk and be held accountable for not doing enough.
Canada -Saskatchewan |
Making sense of the statistics in the middle of a pandemic
As spring hints at making its entrance, what should Saskatchewanians look for as signs that the province is winning or losing the battle against COVID-19?
Canada -Saskatchewan |

'An epidemiological mystery': Why Is COVID-19 so much deadlier in some countries than others?
With the number of cases worldwide approaching 200,000, and 1,000 or more cases in 15 countries, you’d think there would be an answer. But the more data we see, the tougher it is to come up with a hard number.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

COVID-19 has arrived in Saskatchewan. Be prudent, but don't panic
How bad is it and how bad will it get?
Canada -Saskatchewan |

5 bold moves the Sask. government could make in this budget to renew health care
The health care systems in Canada and Saskatchewan are notorious under-performers compared to other rich countries. So what’s a government to do at budget time?
Canada -Saskatchewan |