Brad Wall repeats call for Senate abolition
Saskatchewan Premier's statement comes in response to auditor general's extensive report

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall is reiterating his opinion in favour of abolishing the Canadian Senate.
Wall's response follows the release of an extensive auditor general's report into senators' spending.
The two-year review, which was officially released to the public on Tuesday, highlights more than $975,000 in questionable expenses from both current and former senators.
- Auditor general cites lack of oversight for Senate spending mess
- Auditor general calls for 'transformative change' in Senate
"Today's report just reinforces Saskatchewan's position that the Senate should be abolished," Wall said in his statement.
The Senate is never going to run properly and it's never going to be worth the money we put into it. So it should be scrapped- Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall
"If the Senate was necessary to the proper functioning of Canadian democracy, I would say clean it up and get it working properly. But it isn't necessary and it isn't making any sort of a positive contribution."
Wall says Senate like old cars that should be 'scrapped'
Wall compared solving problems in the upper house to a hobby of his: restoring old cars.
"That's only worth doing if, when you get finished, the car is going to run properly and it's at least worth the money you put into it." he said. "The Senate is never going to run properly and it's never going to be worth the money we put into it. So it should be scrapped."

Wall said he has no plans to actively campaign against the Senate because the province's position is clear.
"I would like to see other provinces come on board but if they don't, even in light of this latest mess, then it's not really worth the effort to try to change their minds," he said.
Nine of the questionable expenses found in the audit, including those belonging to two current senators, are now in the hands of the RCMP.
The audit was launched after spending scandals in 2012 and 2013 in relation to Patrick Brazeau, Mike Duffy, Mac Harb and Pamela Wallin.
Senate Speaker Leo Housakos told reporters following the release of the report that the Senate accepts the document's urge toward accountability and transparency. He said the Senate will seek to implement the recommendations.
Auditor General Michael Ferguson is speaking at a press conference Tuesday afternoon about the report, which is streaming live on