Sask.'s Brad Wall offers support for refugees in wake of Trump's executive order
Premier Wall reacts to Donald Trump with a tweet

Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says his province is willing to help people who may be stranded by Donald Trump's recent moves on immigration.
Using a social media platform familiar to the president, Wall said Saturday that Saskatchewan would provide assistance should the federal government in Ottawa need it.
"We stand ready to assist fed gov't re: anyone stranded by the US ban," Wall said on Twitter.
Sask has welcomed approx 2000 refugees this past year. We stand ready to assist fed gov't re: anyone stranded by the US ban.
On Friday Trump issued an executive order blocking people from seven Muslim-majority nations from entering the United States and putting a temporary halt to refugee admissions.
The order suspends refugee admissions for 120 days and bars all immigration for 90 days from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.
The order also indefinitely bars the processing of refugees from Syria.
In his social media post, Wall noted that Saskatchewan was the destination for about 2,000 Syrian refugees through 2016.
Concerns raised in 2015
Just over a year ago, however, Wall expressed concerns about Canada's plans regarding refugees.
Wall said in November 2015 that he was worried about the potential for danger associated with processing a large number of refugees in a short amount of time.
"If even a small number of individuals who wish to do harm to our country are able to enter Canada as a result of a rushed refugee resettlement process, the results could be devastating," Wall said at the time.