Meet 5 more 2016 Future 40 winners
CBC Saskatchewan is unveiling 2016's winners all week on radio, TV and online
This group of accomplished CBC Future 40 winners includes a COO with hope, an entrepreneur with a knack for turning "likes" into cash and a rescuer who spends his spare time with bears!
This group also includes 2016's first Bright Light winner, a CBC award given to children who are making a difference.
From Monday to Thursday, March 14-17, CBC Saskatchewan is announcing five winners in the morning and five more in the evening.
With this latest group, a total of 21 winners have been announced so far.
Listen to Saskatoon Morning with Leisha Grebinski on 94.1 FM in Saskatoon and The Morning Edition with Sheila Coles on 102.5 FM in Regina and 540 AM across the province each morning to hear about a fresh group of winners. Then, tune in to CBC Saskatchewan News with Jill Morgan each evening at 6 p.m. CST for another five winners, announced on television.
Make sure to check and and visit CBC Saskatchewan and CBC Saskatoon on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram at any time to keep up to date with the announcements.
The winning submissions below were written by nominators.
Here are 5 more Future 40 winners for 2016 (plus 1 Bright Light):
Regan Hinchcliffe
Age: 28
Category: Community/Social Activism/Volunteerism
Regan lives by the idea of leaving the world better off than it was before he arrived.
At 28 years of age, through his passionate entrepreneurial spirit, musical talents and social connections, Regan has exemplified this very idea through positive action in his community. He has been involved in raising close to $70,000 for numerous non-profits and charities across Saskatchewan through musical events, busking at festivals and most notably, a charity brainchild of his called 1 "Like" = $1 launched through his company,
1 "Like" = $1 involved businesses pledging $1 to a respective charity for each new Facebook "like" they gained. It has raised $35,000 for the Regina Food Bank and $1,000 for Relay for Life. The dollars raised were beside the massive local viral awareness the unique campaign gained for these charities.
The Regina Food Bank has been Regan's major cause as he understands the importance of sustenance on the physical, mental and spiritual growth of human beings.
Nicole Cook
Age: 32
Category: Business/Entrepreneurship
Nicole Cook, 32, is a mother of two — Ethan, 10, and Jackson, 6 — and COO of Hope's Home.
Having been with Hope's Home for almost nine of its 10 years, Nicole started as a licensed practical nurse. From there she has taken on various leadership roles with this medical daycare, which provides services for children with complex medical needs, early learning programs, daycare, respite and supportive living.
Hopes Home has 187 children serviced by 120 full time staff and 50 casual/part time. As a passionate leader alongside the CEO, Nicole has helped build Hope's Home from a small organization to where it is today. She is an activator!
Nicole takes vision and ideas and turns them into reality. She tirelessly and diligently leads all the functional aspects of the organization from finances, to human resources to day-to-day operations of nursing and education with little or no education in many of these areas. She learns. She seeks out information to serve Saskatchewan families.
Nicole is a humble, caring brilliant woman and leader.
Amanda Guthrie
Age: 25
Category: Community/Social Activism/Volunteerism
Amanda Guthrie is a 25-year-old cancer survivor, community activist, queer intersectional feminist, and advocate for persons living with disabilities.
As the youth and education co-ordinator at OUTSaskatoon, she trains health care providers and educators on how to make institutions more inclusive for the LGBTQ community.
Through her work, Amanda emphasizes the voice and concerns of queer youth in our community. She has advocated for provincially mandated gay-straight alliances, gender-neutral washrooms, and is a lead planner for Saskatchewan's first GSA Summit, taking place April 15-16.
Outside of her professional work, she has been involved in changing the political landscape, both locally and federally. She has worked on successful political campaigns and has played vital roles in activist movements, such as anti-austerity work at the U of S. In her free time, she loves trying new food, supporting her community, and spending time with her partner Heather and their dog, Kathy Bates.
Follow Amanda on Twitter @amandaraegu3.
Shirley Zhou
Age: 36
Category: Community/Social Activism/Volunteerism
Since moving to Saskatoon 13 years ago, Shirley Zhou has been actively involved in the Chinese community.
She was the vice president of the Chinese Students and Scholars Association at the University of Saskatchewan and is one of the founding members of the Federation of Saskatoon Chinese Canadian Organizations to organize local cultural activities and build links between communities by sharing the cultural heritage, including Folk Fest.
Shirley has taken many roles as the treasurer and the entertainment chair and currently as the vice president. Shirley has emceed Saskatoon Chinese New Year Celebration for 12 years and had taught Chinese language and folk dance for eight years.
Shirley is also involved in the Saskatoon community and currently serves as a board member of the AFP Saskatoon Chapter, Saskatoon National Philanthropy Day organizing committee and Briarwood Community Association. With her leadership, dedication and enthusiasm, Shirley has made a difference to the community and keeps moving on.
Mark Dallyn
Age: 29
Category: Community/Social Activism/Volunteerism
Mark is a 29-year-old man from Dorintosh, Sask. who is the heart and soul of Healing Haven wildlife rehabilitation.
Mark's dedication and perseverance has given voice to all manner of wildlife and is the only centre in Sask. that is able to take in bear cubs.
Mark continually inspires children and adults through his actions and educational presentations which are all done on a volunteer basis.
Although this facility requires endless amounts of time energy and resources, Mark continues to persevere with a positive attitude and smile.
Mark's passion for the animals he cares for fosters, in many, a new found respect for wildlife and the value these animals contribute to our environment.
Mark's work also inspires others to volunteer their time and resources in order to keep this facility open and well-maintained.
Thank you Mark for helping those who can't help themselves and inspiring us to do more. Well done.
Jonah Toth
Age: 17
Category: CBC Bright Light
Jonah has worked tirelessly to promote the "Me to We" philosophy within his school. He has helped to establish not just a vibrant "Me to We" Team within his school, but outside as well. The philosophy has spread to other schools within the Regina Public School division.
Over the past two years, the Campbell "Me to We" Team has raised over $25,000 to fund community development projects in rural China in partnership with Free the Children.
Jonah's involvement with Free the Children earned him the opportunity to travel to India this past summer on a scholarship and landed him the opportunity to speak on the We Day Sask stage to over 15,000 other youths.
Whether collecting donations for the food bank, fundraising for the Adopt-a-Family campaign, being involved with Best Buddies, volunteering in the Regina General pediatric unit, or serving on the Campbell SLC, Jonah is always one to help others without asking anything for himself.
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