'Stupid farmers' comment gets noticed during election campaign
Online comment concerned the merits of the Canadian Wheat Board

NDP candidate Clayton Wilson was called out by Saskatchewan Party leader Brad Wall who spoke at a convention of rural leaders in Regina Wednesday morning.
Farmers are among the hardest working, smartest people that I know.- Cam Broten, NDP leader
Wilson, who is running in Saskatoon Northwest, was commenting online about the issue — at the time — of a backlog in grain shipments by rail. His Facebook post made reference to the merits of the Canadian Wheat Board, which had been dismantled.
"What happened to the CWB? Oh yeah some stupid farmers wanted a grain backup," Wilson said in the March 14, 2014 post.
During his speech, Wall said the NDP candidate needed to answer for the comment.
On Wednesday afternoon, NDP leader Cam Broten said the candidate's remark was, itself, "stupid".
He added that Wilson apologized for what was said and Broten accepted the apology.
During his speech, Wall also spoke about his party's track record in government when it comes to rural issues, saying he values rural Saskatchewan and its voters.
Broten also spoke at the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities meeting, telling delegates about farm connections.
"My in-laws are farmers — my wife is a farm girl," Broten said. "Farmers are among the hardest working, smartest people that I know and Saskatchewan is blessed to have so many farmers."
- A previous version of this story stated NDP candidate Clayton Wilson made an online comment that read 'dumb farmers' when in fact the comment he made was 'stupid farmers'.Mar 09, 2016 11:53 PM EST