Morning Edition live at mâmawéyatitân centre

On Oct. 18, 2018 a group of more than 55 community members came together in Regina to talk about what can be done to deal with drug addiction here in our city and province.
The group's second town hall is planned for Nov. 26 at mâmawêyatitân centre and CBC Saskatchewan's The Morning Edition will be live on location from 6-8:30 a.m. CST leading up to that meeting. The show will be focused on drugs and addiction but we'll talk a lot about solutions.
The show will feature people struggling with addiction, family members, healthcare providers, police, and politicians.
"I can only do so much when I push a load of bricks by myself, but when you've got 50 people pushing that load of bricks, you're going to go a lot farther," said Marie Agioritis about the community meetings.
Agioritis is from the group Moms Stop The Harm. Her son Kelly Best died in 2015 of an overdose and she's since become a passionate advocate for helping people and families dealing with addiction.
Everyone is welcome. Snacks and beverages provided.
The conversation will continue on Monday, Nov. 26, from 12-1 p.m. on Blue Sky.
102.5FM in Regina | 94.1FM in Saskatoon | 540AM across the province
mâmawêyatitân centre
3355 6th Ave
Regina, SK
Monday Nov. 26, 2018
6 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. CST
Event is FREE. Seating is limited.