Cook residence on track to be a municipal heritage property
Owner wants to build condos on the lot

The Cook residence in Regina will continue to stand as city council declared the building on the 3100 block of Albert Street a heritage property.
There is one more formal step to finalize heritage status and will be decided at the next council meeting.
The home's current owners had proposed building a fourplex condominium on the lot because repairs for the structure as it stands now would be too costly.
Mayor Michael Fougere said when it comes to properties like the Cook residence, which have heritage value, buyers must be aware of the risks.
One of the owners of the home, Carmen Lien, said he was aware of the risks when the home was purchased. Lien said he has commissioned three studies on the home and they had similar conclusions about repairs being too costly.
Lyn Goldman, one of the delegates at Monday's council meeting, said in her submission that she has offered to purchase the home from Lien so she could restore it.