COVID-19 in Sask.: 394 new cases, 3 deaths, another ICU record
3,548 new COVID-19 shots on Tuesday, province says

One day after Saskatchewan recorded one of its worst days in the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitalization and daily new case numbers are down, according to the province's most recent update.
As of Wednesday, 295 people with the disease were in hospital, 16 fewer than reported on Tuesday.
ICU numbers, however, continue to climb. The province posted a record number of 67 COVID-19 patients in Saskatchewan's intensive care units (ICU).
Seventy-five per cent of the patients eligible for vaccination were not fully immunized, according to the province's dashboard.
Three more deaths
The province also reported three more COVID-19-related deaths on Wednesday.
One was in the 60 to 79 age group and two of the people were 80 years or older. The three people died in the following areas: far northwest (one), Saskatoon (one), and southwest (one).
Since the beginning of the pandemic, 685 people with COVID-19 in the province are known to have died.
Saskatchewan also reported 394 new cases of COVID-19 Wednesday.
More than one in four of the new recorded cases, or 26.6 per cent, were in the 20 to 39 age category, according to the province's dashboard.
One in six of the new cases among people age 12 and older were in fully vaccinated people.
Wednesday's new cases are located in the following zones:
Far northwest, 22.
Far northeast, 29.
Northwest, 48.
North central, 36.
Northeast, 23.
Saskatoon, 59.
Central west, seven.
Central east, 27.
Regina, 47.
Southwest, 25.
South central, 24.
Southeast, 31.
Residence information is pending for 16 other new cases.
According to the province, 90 of the 394 new cases — more than 22 per cent — were among children under the age of 12.
As of Wednesday, 4,585 cases were considered active in Saskatchewan, with Saskatoon having the most known cases (1,074), followed by the northwest region (648) and Regina (533).
732,011 people fully vaccinated
Health-care workers in Saskatchewan administered 3,548 new doses of COVID-19 vaccines on Tuesday, according to the province.
Of those, 1,997 were first doses and 1,551 were second doses.
As of Wednesday, 732,011 people in Saskatchewan are now fully vaccinated.
The government also reported 3,649 new COVID-19 tests in Wednesday's update, 600 fewer than the day before.