COVID-19 in Sask: 5 more seniors dead, 153 new cases, vaccinations begin in far north
Moderna vaccinations began in far north Tuesday morning

Saskatchewan reported five more COVID-19-related deaths of seniors Tuesday. This brings the province's total COVID death toll to 165.
All five seniors were 80 or older. One was from the north central, one was from the north east, one was from the south central and two were from the Regina zones.
The province reported 153 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, as of Tuesday a total of 4,254 doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Saskatchewan. The majority of the doses are a part of the province's pilot project, which is complete in Regina and nearing 90 per cent complete in Saskatoon.
The province said planning for second doses in the pilot program is underway. Further details will be released soon.
The province said it expects Prince Albert to receive a shipment of vaccines this week. Eligible health-care staff, and long-term and personal care home residents in the area will then be able to start being vaccinated.
Vaccination of long-term care residents and health providers began Tuesday morning in the far north zone of the province.
The first Moderna vaccinations were provided in Île-à-la-Crosse to registered nurse Brittany Favel and her grandfather Jimmy Favel, a resident at Île-à-la-Crosse Long Term Care.
The province says Moderna vaccinations also began in La Loche Tuesday morning in the far north west zone.

Of the 153 new COVID-19 cases in the province, eight are located in the far north west, six are in the far north east, 13 are in the north west, 14 are in the north central, five are in the north east, 33 are in the Saskatoon area, one is in the central west, 13 is in the central east, 39 are in Regina, one is in the south central and six are in the south east.
Fourteen of the new cases have pending residence information.
Of the 16,520 known COVID-19 cases in Saskatchewan, 3,057 are considered active. There have been 120 new recoveries.
There are currently 166 people in hospital, 135 of whom are receiving inpatient care. One person is in the far north west, one in the far north east, six are in the north west, 25 are in the north central, three are in the north east, 40 are in Saskatoon, five are in the central east, 42 are in the Regina area, two are in the south west, two are in the south central and eight are in the south east.
Thirty-one people are in intensive care, with two in the north west, four in the north central, 10 in the Saskatoon area, one in the central east and 14 in the Regina zone.

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