Deadpool petition calls for statue in Regina
Regina movie-goers who went to see Deadpool on the weekend may have been a little surprised when the title character declared he was from the Queen City.
More than 1,500 signatures collected as of Tuesday afternoon

Regina movie-goers who went to see Deadpool on the weekend may have been a little surprised when the title character declared he was from the Queen City.
It was part of an off-colour joke — one of many jokes in the smash-hit superhero flick — but news the comic-book character was from Regina, Sask., had numerous fans talking on social media.
Now, one of them, Luke Oliver, wants a statue built to commemorate Deadpool's supposed prairie origins.
He's started two petitions asking the city to recognize the "Merc with a mouth."
One of the petitions had more than 1,500 signatures on Tuesday afternoon.