Dog back home after running away from house fire 6 months ago

A Saskatchewan family is glad to have its dog Flash back, after he was lost the night the family home burned down.
Tyler and Raewyn Fritz of Maidstone, Sask., bought Flash when he was still a puppy, as a Christmas gift for their three children. He was only seven months old when the family's home burned down in May. The family believes Flash was scared and took off from the fire.
Recently, the Fritz's daughter wrote a letter to Santa asking for Flash to come home. The wish was granted.
Turns out, the dog had made it to Lloydminster, roughly 50 kilometres away. Raewyn Fritz said he must have lived in the wild. She put photos of the dog on Facebook and someone in Lloydminster recognized him.
"Honestly, I didn't know for sure until we got him yesterday," she said, but when he was brought to their home, the Fritz family knew it was him.
"He started kind of getting playful and stuff — and he has this ridiculously long tongue — and then all of a sudden he's starting to pant and stuff and then this big tongue fell out of his mouth."
"That was when I knew for sure that that was him; it has to be him," Fritz said.