Fundraiser uses positive spin to power Regina YMCA youth programs
High-energy relay raises funds for Strong Kids Program
Regina residents pedalled until they could pedal no more at a fundraiser to help power youth programs at the YMCA on Friday.
There's hootin' and hollering and singing; there's people dancing around the bikes.- Scott Law, YMCA board member
The Endless Cycle brought together corporate teams to raise money for the Y's Strong Kids Program.
YMCA board member and event chairperson Scott Law said the goal was to remove financial barriers for kids to participate in healthy lifestyle activities.

This year, the group put a new spin on the cycle, changing it from an extended cycle to a high-energy relay.
Law said he thought this year's event would be the most successful to date.
"There's hootin' and hollering and singing; there's people dancing around the bikes, encouraging their teammates," he said.
"It's absolutely all I could ever hope for in an event."
Peddling healthy lifestyles
"It's really about helping the youth of the city and providing things to do that are healthy, safe and about good living," Law said.
Funds collected through the five-person relay cycle will help pay for programs like Beyond the Bell, which extends the school day and uses the extra time to teach lifestyle skills to students.
The alternative suspension program also teaches students life skills and helps them with their school work when they are unable to attend classes.