Health groups urge Regina to follow Saskatoon on smoking bans

Health groups are urging city council in Regina to match moves being made in Saskatoon to limit smoking, including e-cigarettes, in public spaces.
An expanded smoking ban in on the agenda of an upcoming meeting of city council in Saskatoon.
The Saskatchewan branch of the Canadian Cancer Society along with the Heart and Stroke Foundation, the Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region and the Lung Association of Saskatchewan said Wednesday that Regina is behind on the issue.
The groups cited a survey that examined how people in Regina feel about smoking in different outdoor public places.
According to their findings, 70 per cent of people were in favour of banning smoking on restaurant patios and 89 per cent want it banned from playgrounds.
Donna Pasiechnik, from the Cancer Society, said Regina has been passing the buck to provincial authorities.
"Here in Regina we drag our feet," Pasiechnik said. "We say its not our responsibility when in fact it is the responsibility of the capital of Saskatchewan to provide healthy environments for the 225,000 people who live here."
Saskatoon has had a smoking ban in place on patios for 11 years.
"We believe its time for the city of Regina to get on board," she added.
Regina's mayor, Michael Fougere, said Wednesday that the city is open to change if citizens want that.
"We're not closed to any issue," he said. "We're just saying we have not had a public outcry for change — an ask for change — at this moment and therefore [the issue] has not been on our radar screen because we're dealing with other issues."
Saskatoon's proposed expanded ban, affecting smoking in playgrounds and the use of e-cigarettes, will go before council in that city in August.