Saskatchewan reports highest job growth in all of Canada: StatsCan
9,500 jobs added this year from March to April

Saskatchewan saw the highest job growth in Canada from March to April, according to a new report.
Statistics Canada's monthly labour force report also showed Saskatchewan is tied with Quebec in having the lowest unemployment rate in Canada.
From March to April, 9,500 jobs were added in Saskatchewan. Of those, 8,000 were part-time and 1,500 were full-time. All numbers are seasonally adjusted.

"Saskatchewan led the country in both job creation and unemployment rate in April, a month when most other provinces saw their job numbers decline and unemployment go up," Saskatchewan's Immigration and Career Training Minister Jeremy Harrison said in a news release.
Saskatchewan's unemployment rate hit a 40-year high in 2020.
The increased employment numbers come just after Saskatchewan released a plan to reopen the province over the next few months. On Tuesday, Premier Scott Moe released a three-step plan to ease restrictions, with most scheduled to be lifted by mid-July.