I'm not the PM's messenger, Sask. premier says

Rekindling his fight with federal NDP leader Tom Mulcair, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall says he's not Prime Minister Stephen Harper's "messenger."
"Nonsense," Wall told CBC News Wednesday. "I'm hired to be a messenger for Saskatchewan, for our economy, for our interests."
It's Wall latest response to Mulcair's comments about western Canada, resource exports and the impact on eastern Canada's manufacturing base.
Earlier this month, Wall hit the roof after Mulcair argued that a reliance on resource exports is contributing to a high Canadian dollar, which in turn is causing a loss of manufacturing jobs.
Mulcair said it's a classic example of the "Dutch disease" — a term used to describe the hollowing out of manufacturing jobs in the Netherlands after oil was discovered in the early 1960s.
Saskatchewan has enjoyed a boom in the production of oil, potash and other minerals and Wall has argued that all of Canada benefits.
In recent days, Wall has repeatedly spoken out against Mulcair, while his Saskatchewan Party has demanded that provincial NDP MLAs condemn their federal leader.
The latest development was an article in the National Post newspaper which quoted Mulcair dismissing criticisms by western premiers, saying they're Harper's "messengers."
Wall, a devoted Twitter user, fired back early Wednesday.
"I may have tweeted out a few things on that line this morning," Wall said.