Instagram fans 'Instameet' in Regina
Social media fans leave cyber space for a get together
Fans of the social media platform Instagram left cyberspace for a while to 'Instameet' in person in Regina Thursday night.
"I'm a huge fan of Instagram," Dustin Veitch, one of the people who organized the event, said. "It's a great platform for instant feedback."
People use Instagram to share content — especially pictures and videos — online.
Veitch said he enjoys following the photographic talents of people on Instagram and was interested in meeting some of them, from the Regina area, in person.

"Instameet is just to bring the virtual space into the live space and to meet people and bring the community in real life," he said.
Dozens of people joined the event and strolled through the city's Wascana Park and downtown area, taking pictures along the way and posting them to their accounts.
"It's great to get immediate feedback and really just connect with a lot of people really quickly, so being able to do that and tie it to our city," Veitch said.
CBC Saskatchewan was one of the sponsors of Regina's first Instameet. Follow @cbcsask on Instagram.