Jumper cables 101: a refresher course for a cold morning
Got a battery that won't start? If you want to boost it yourself, first, you'll want to find a friend.
Safe booster cable use is an important Prairie skill

Got a battery that won't start? If you want to boost it yourself, first, you're going to want to find a friend.
Once you've done that, and the two vehicles are facing each other, you can proceed to use the jumper cables.
Here's how...
- Take out your jumper cables, make sure the clamps aren't touching.
- Connect one end of the positive cable (red) to the positive (+) post of the dead battery.
- Connect the other end of the positive cable to the positive post of the good battery.
- Connect one end of the negative cable (black) to the negative (-) post of the good battery.
- Connect the other end of the negative cable to a ground post on the car that needs the boost. The ground should be a piece of bare metal away from the battery.
- Start the vehicle with the dead battery.
- After it's been running for a few minutes, take off the jumper cables in reverse order.
- You're good to go!