Protest camp at Sask. legislature grows to 5 teepees
According to their Facebook, the camp is expecting more teepees to arrive in the coming days

With Canada Day approaching, the Justice for our Stolen Children camp still stands.
The number of teepees at the camp is growing by the day. It's currently at five and the camp's Facebook said there's more on the way.
Ken Cheveldayoff, minister responsible for the Provincial Capital Commission, reiterated that the protestors are breaking the law by camping overnight in the park, but did not give a timeline for when the camp could be taken down again. Cheveldayoff deferred to Regina police on the matter.

"I'll be working with my cabinet colleagues to ensure that the dialogue continues," he said.
When last asked about the camp, Regina police did not say if there was a plan for the camp but said they were participating in dialogue with all parties.

The campers' messaging remains broad. Rather than asking for specific policy changes, campers bring up issues such as foster care, gangs and the justice system.
Robyn Pitawanakwat, a supporter of the camp, said she doesn't think these issues are an easy fix and that they plan to stay for "as long as [they're] needed here."
"I don't think asking for equity is ever asking for too much. We just don't want to be treated as subhuman, which is how Indigenous people have been treated since this government formed."
Pitawanakwat also said that, should the camp get taken down again, the campers will work to form a consensus about what to do next.