Disposable masks clogging up sewer lines in Prince Albert
City says masks should be thrown into the garbage when you're done with them

The City of Prince Albert is asking people to stop flushing their disposable masks down the toilet.
The water and sewer department has reported so many masks in the sewer line that it has caused blockages, something the department said can be costly for both the city and, potentially, the homeowner.
"All residents are reminded that only human waste and toilet paper can be flushed down your toilet. Flushing anything else down your toilet or draining them through a sink is illegal," a news release from the city reads.
The city said lots of things can cause blockages in the line, like sanitary napkins, diapers, kitchen grease and even things like wipes and paper towel.
Masks cannot be recycled and should just be thrown in the trash when you're done with them, the city said.