Mitts, scarves placed in trees for Regina's needy

Some concerned citizens are distributing scarves, tuques and mitts to needy people in Regina — by placing them in trees.
The items have been popping up in Victoria Park in recent days, after a local woman — Dianne Mursell — set up a Facebook page called Chase the Chill.
Each item has a note attached to it which says, "This isn't a lost item, it's yours. If you need — take it, stay warm."
Mursell told CBC News that members of her family have known homelessness, in the past, and benefited from the kindness of others.
"My own son was homeless for a short period. It was never in the winter time but he still had a lot of people that helped him out," she said. Some people would offer a place for the night, or a shower and some food.
Mursell hopes others will add items, also with notes, in trees.
Temperatures in Saskatchewan have been in the –20s and –30s C in recent days.
"They don't have to feel beholden," Mursell said, of those who use the items" They don't have to ask anyone for help.
That's a hard thing to do sometimes for people that are in that position. Not everyone can go and say, 'I need a hand.'"