Mom of Regina boy found in creek wonders if gangs involved
Richelle Dubois seeks answers about death of son Haven, 14

Four months after her 14-year-old son died in a Regina creek, Richelle Dubois is looking for answers.
The police have ruled out foul play, but that hasn't stopped her from looking into what might have happened to Haven.
"It's been the most horrible four months of my life," Dubois said.
If it was a tragic accident then that's something I will deal with and face when that time comes but until then it's suspicious to me.- Richelle Dubois
On May 20, she found Haven in the creek a block from their house. Police said emergency crews were sent to the area of Fines Drive and Coleman Crescent.
Police later ruled out foul play, but Dubois has questions and believes there's still more to find out.
"If it was a tragic accident then that's something I will deal with and face when that time comes but until then it's suspicious to me," she said.
Dubois has put those questions into a video she recently posted on Facebook.
"I'd like to know who was drinking behind Giant Tiger on the morning of May 20," Dubois said in the video.
Dubois believes Haven was being recruited into a gang. She says gang members were hanging around on the street near her house following his death.
She also wants to know more about the circumstances that led to her son's death.
"If anybody had anything to do with it or knows anything about it, I'm not going to stop. There's no way I'm going to stop until I find out exactly what happened to him," she said.
Dubois said she remembers gang members were hanging around on the street near her house following Haven's death and she is asking people with any information to contact her or Crime Stoppers.
She is also awaiting a report from the provincial coroner's office which she understood would take four to six months.
The office told CBC that they will be contacting the Dubois family once the report is filed.
Police noted that while a criminal investigation is closed, because there is no indication of foul play, the investigation into the boy's death investigation remains open until the coroner's report is concluded.