Moose Jaw man determined to perform 1,000 good deeds
Moose Jaw man has created deed bags to encourage people to do good

Clayton Clysdale Finnell, of Moose Jaw, says he is determined to perform 1,000 good deeds and hopes to inspire others.
He set his goal in October and, through various means, has reached 220 good deeds. He has done modest things, such as returning a shopping cart for a stranger at a store. He has also organized a toy drive.
However, not all of his good deeds go according to plan. He created what he calls a warm box, which was a box filled with gloves and tuques, and set it by a bus stop. He hoped people would only take what they needed from the box.
They did, for a while, and then someone took all 50 items that were left in the box, he said.
"I was discouraged a little bit, but once I put a call out on Facebook, wow. People came and they just filled my boxes full again," he said.
He said he hopes to encourage others to complete deeds by distributing something he calls a deed bag. A deed bag is a paper sack which contains suggestions for three deeds and a way to win a prize for completing the deeds.
He plans to hand out the bags to strangers.
"I want people to do a good deed for me," he said. "I want people to start caring about others more than just [at] Christmas time."