New signs go up in construction zones

The province is introducing new signs to tell drivers they'll be paying more if they speed in construction zones.
The Highways Ministry said Monday that motorists will see an orange sign with a black image of a worker on it indicating workers are on site.
It will be followed by a speed sign warning people to slow down to 60km/h — the legal maximum limit in a construction area, also referred to as an orange zone.
In addition, there will be rumble strips and gates to alert drivers they are entering a work zone.
Last fall, the base fine for speeding jumped from $140 to $210. The fine goes up $3 for every kilometre over the speed limit up to 90 km/h.
For anyone going faster than 90 km/h, the penalty is $210 plus $6 for every kilometre per hour over 60. There's also an $80 surcharge.
As an example, those who speed through an orange zone at 100 km/h will be slapped with a fine of $450. With the $80 surcharge included, the total payment required would be $530.
Before the fines changed, the total payment required (fine plus the old $60 surcharge) for going 100 in a construction zone would have been $360.
The province said it's also adding a new sign to make it easier for drivers to see where the construction area ends.
Photo radar will also be present in construction areas. An initiative was implemented in 2012.
The changes were prompted by the death of Ashley Richards, 18, who was working as a flag person, warning drivers to slow down, in a construction zone on a Saskatchewan highway in October when she died.
Richards, who was pregnant at the time, was hit by a passing SUV.