Regina police riding buses to nab car drivers using cellphones
Regina police will soon be riding buses to be on the lookout for motorists using cell phones.
Operation Bus Cop will go after drivers who use cellphones

Regina police will soon be riding buses to be on the lookout for motorists using cell phones.
A program called Operation Bus Cop will be unveiled on Wednesday, according to a report going to the board of police commissioners.
It will have police looking for distracted drivers from inside city buses.
Operation Bus Cop will run March 1-31.
After that, the police service will continue to put officers on buses on an occasional basis.
The fine for using a cellphone while driving is $280.
According to the report going to the police commissioners meeting, distracted driving is the leading cause of traffic fatalities in the province.
In 2015, 36 people were killed and 802 were injured in nearly 5,700 collisions where distracted driving was a