Political parties gear up for start of Saskatchewan election period
The writ will be issued on Tuesday, marking the beginning of the campaign

Tuesday will mark the official beginning of the provincial election that will see Saskatchewan residents head to the polls on April 4.
But in many ways the campaign is already underway, as platforms start to roll out and signs get posted.
Campaign promises
The Saskatchewan NDP has been rolling out its platform over the past week, making promises about ambulance fees, quick care clinics and the film tax credit.
We're going to have very few, very few campaign promises.- Brad Wall
Opposition Leader Cam Broten from the NDP spoke in Saskatoon earlier taking shots at the government's record.
"The question in this election is this: now that times are tight, who can you trust to protect health care and education? Who will make your life more affordable, instead of making their friends and consultants richer?" Broten said.
Premier Brad Wall was in Regina Monday, saying he thinks Saskatchewan residents need fewer promises right now due to the sluggish economy.
"I also don't think they need 30 days of campaigning where we roll out a promise a day. That's clearly what the other guys have chosen to do. We're going to have very few, very few campaign promises," Wall said.
New constituencies
This election, however, brings with it three new seats up for grabs due to redrawn constituency lines.
The seats are in Regina Pasqua, Saskatoon Stonebridge-Dakota and Saskatoon Silverspring-Sutherland.
All but two of the former constituencies have new boundaries, giving many new names.

Recent polls suggest the NDP's support is growing, although the Saskatchewan Party still holds a strong majority.
Right now, the Saskatchewan Party holds 49 seats and the NDP have nine.