
Peace groups opposed to military course in Regina schools

A coalition of Saskatchewan peace groups has started a petition about a new course being introduced to Regina schools that includes military training.

Regina Peace Council, other groups, launching a petition

Regina to offer high school credits to young reservists

11 years ago
Duration 2:02
A new program will give Regina high schoolers military training for class credit, Bonnie Allen reports.

A coalition of Saskatchewan peace groups has started a petition about a new course being introduced to Regina schools that includes military training.

Florence Stratton, a member of PeaceQuest Regina, said the course teaches that violence is an appropriate method of conflict resolution, contrary to current education policy.

The double-credit program, which is scheduled to start in February 2015, has two components: Canadian Studies 30 (a core course) and Basic Military Qualifications 30L, an elective. 

Weapons training will be part of the course, and both parts will be offered at the Regina Armouries.

Students will also be paid approximately $2,000, something that Ed Lehman, a member of the Regina Peace Council, says is most troubling.

"It almost seems like a bribe," Lehman said in a news release.

The Saskatchewan government has given the program its seal of approval. 

Education Minister Don Morgan said the program would give students life and leadership experience and he doubted people in Saskatchewan would have any problems with it.