Quebec students hope to expand protest movement

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, one of the leading figures in the prolonged student protests that led to the dismantling of a proposed tuition fee increase in Quebec, is visiting Saskatchewan, hoping to spur others to follow their example.
Nadeau-Dubois and other Quebec students met Tuesday with students at the University of Saskatchewan, in Saskatoon.
They explained how Quebec students were motivated because they felt their tuition-fee protests were part of a larger message.
"Students mobilized because they were part of the movement," Nadeau-Dubois said. "They felt that they had a control on the movement."
Nadeau-Dubois added that students across the country should now focus on a larger target.
"We've got to work together because we've got a federal government that is attacking the freedom of the press, that is attacking the woman's rights, students' rights [and] workers' rights," the student leader said. "So I think it's time to think about something like what happened in Quebec."
The Quebec students take their message to Regina, in an event set for Tuesday night.