RCMP's humorous response to underage party invite on Facebook
Invite RCMP officers to an underage frosh party and they'll RSVP right away.
Lumsden RCMP said they would be bringing snacks and more

Invite RCMP officers to an underage frosh party and they'll RSVP right away.
Saskatchewan RCMP posted to Facebook this afternoon a tongue-in-cheek message with a serious warning after being invited to a party near Lumsden.
Like any courteous guest, the post said officers would be bringing something to the party.
"Lumsden #RCMP will bring chips and salsa and a choice of possible charges for the party goers," the post read.

- View the full Facebook post.
The post listed a variety of charges and the cost of the fine, including open liquor ($250), underage drinking ($360) and littering ($250).
"Or you can make the smart choice and avoid meeting our officers! Stay safe," ended the post.