Regina public and Catholic schools to return to classroom May 3
Some schools will do hybrid method or alternate days

Regina Catholic and Public schools will be returning to mostly in person class May 3.
Both divisions say the move comes after extensive consultation with public health officers. Here's the breakdown of each division's plan:
Regina Public
Pre-K to Grade 8 are returning to regular class. Students in grades 9-12 will do an alternate day attendance schedule.
"Regina Public Schools will also be taking advantage of Rapid Testing Kits that have been made available by the Government of Saskatchewan to add an extra layer of precaution and protection to in-class learning," reads a release from the division, in part.
"Details will be forthcoming soon."
High school students in Regina public have been remote since March 24. Elementary students have been remote since March 29.
Regina Catholic
"Regina Catholic Schools will return to Level 2 (face to face with masks) in our elementary schools, and Level 3 (hybrid as required by the Chief Medical Health Officer who has stated that schools larger than 600 operate at Level 3) in our four large high schools (Riffel, O'Neill, Miller and LeBoldus)," according to a release from the division.
Medical-grade masks were delivered to Catholic schools in Regina as well, according to the release.
The division also said they're expecting more information on rapid testing in schools in the near future.