Regina drone operator shares spring melt photos
Notanee Bourassa has a drone's eye view of this year's spring melt around northwest Regina

A Regina man is sharing his drone's eye view of spring melting around the city.
Notanee Bourassa normally snaps photos of sunsets, northern lights and landscapes. But when he took his aerial drone out for a spin this weekend he got an elevated look at melting snow around Regina's northwest.
Bourassa spotted some wet fields where the Skyview subdivision is being built.
"It's interesting to see how all the melt is going, and I kind of noticed how it was all pooling in one area, and it seems to have been fed by — it looks like a little creek that's zig-zagging from the west," he said.
Despite living nearby, he's not concerned about the excess water.
"I didn't think it was that bad, I mean, what happens if a blocked culvert that's full of ice just all of a sudden lets loose? Maybe all that water will drain somewhere," Bourassa said.
From Bourassa's vantage point in the air, he had a clear view of the water.
The Water Security Agency says some parts of the province are seeing above normal spring runoff, but Regina hasn't seen much excess water so far.