Regina man who smothered boy gets 7-year prison sentence

A Regina man who smothered a toddler in 2009 has been sentenced to seven years in prison.
Jason Brian Emil Will, 25, received the sentence Thursday for manslaughter in the death of Raime Myers, 18, months.
Will, who had walked into the courthouse knowing he was likely facing prison time, showed no emotion as Queen's Bench Justice Dennis Ball sentenced him.
Outside the courthouse, his family members wept, saying the sentence wasn't fair. They are expecting an appeal.

Earlier this month, Ball found Will guilty of manslaughter, saying that on July 9, 2009 Will responded to the child's tantrum by putting a hand over the boy's face and smothering him.
Will, the former boyfriend of Raime's mother Jessica Meyers, denied he was responsible for the death. He told court Wednesday he has nightmares as he recalls his finding the child.
The Crown wanted a sentence of nine to 10 years, saying Will had shown no remorse for his actions.
The defence said a four-year prison sentence was more appropriate.
In passing sentence, Ball said he took into consideration that Will was in a position of care and responsibility for the child. An aggravating factor was that he never took responsibility for his actions or expressed remorse.
As well, Will never acknowledged the family's anguish, Ball said.
He also said there is no sentence, no matter how lengthy, that could bring Raime back.
Will had been found guilty of manslaughter in a trial earlier in the summer. According to Ball's decision, the child suffered a serious brain injury that was "consistent with smothering".
Myers was declared dead on July 11, 2009.