Regina's new city council ready to get to work, says Mayor Sandra Masters
Councillors and mayor sworn in at small ceremony Monday night

Regina's 2020 city council was sworn in last night before a small group at city hall.
Attendees to the ceremony were limited due to COVID-19 restrictions; each member of council was allowed to bring two invited guests.
Eleven members swore their oaths, including five new councillors and new Mayor of Regina Sandra Masters — the first woman to be mayor of a major city in Saskatchewan.
Masters said she hopes to take action during her term.
"I think there's the sense that we talk about some things but we don't seem to strike action plans," she said, pointing to the Renewable Regina Plan that was first discussed in 2018.
"We might even make action plans but we don't have a lot of actions coming out and I think it's those types of things, if I had a hunch, that have been frustrating for some."
Regina's council is full of new faces, with five of 10 city council members new to city hall.
While they've only been working together for the past two weeks, Masters said the group has already started to build a rapport.
"They're inquisitive, they want to understand how it works … even just the debate about some of the priorities has been respectful and I think we've made some advances there."
Masters said she's ready to get to work.
The next regular meeting of the new city council will be on Dec. 2 at 1:30 p.m.