Regina police trying to line up actual wells with Keepness Reddit map
Post on Reddit says 'check the wells'

Police in Regina say investigators continue to look at a map, posted on Reddit, that suggests a possible location for the remains of Tamra Keepness, the youngster who disappeared ten years ago. They say they are checking on the location of a number of wells on the Muscowpetung First Nation and comparing those to the map.
The police update came Tuesday, following considerable activity — online — when an anonymous person posted to social media an image of a map she found among the belongings of a deceased family member. The poster recalled the family speaking of wells and, when she found the crude map, thought it worth sharing.
According to Elizabeth Popowich, a spokeswoman for the Regina police, officers continue to follow up on the details suggested in the map, which they noticed on Sunday when it was posted.
However, Popowich said additional information on their investigation would be limited.
"Please understand that, while we appreciate the public and media interest in this case, it is not practical (or advisable) to provide a running commentary of any police investigation," she said in a statement Tuesday.
Popowich said a preliminary scan of the area suggested on the map took place Monday, involving an RCMP officer from the area and leaders of the Muscowpetung Saulteaux First Nation.
On Tuesday, additional officers, including a Regina police member, returned to reserve.
"They had a look at the same area, where there is one well," Popowich said. "The next nearest well is approximately 2.5 kilometres away."
She added police have identified about 30 wells on the First Nation and a plan was being developed to determine which wells merit a closer look.
"There is more work to be done to determine a starting point and which wells may be included," she said. "We also have to decide on the specific resources, equipment and skills needed for such an exploration."
Popowich pointed out that the case is more complicated than "walking up to a clearly marked point on a map or a specific structure indicated by a sign and simply looking."
She said investigators are still examining the map to determine if it holds "real" information on the Keepness case, adding "we have to make every effort to learn more."