Regina police urge caution as overdose deaths hit 82 so far in 2020
Police say four people have died in recent days from drug overdoses

Regina police are upping their warning about illicit drugs after four people have died in recent days.
The Regina Police service said since Nov. 10, officers were called to five overdoses — four of which were fatal.
The total number of overdoses police are aware of has reached 934 so far in 2020, while 82 have apparently died from overdoses. Police say since some overdoses don't involve EMS or police, the actual number may be higher.
Police are asking people who are struggling with addictions to seek medical help and supports to mitigate any self-harm.
Police say an overdose is a medical emergency; it is not a criminal matter and people are encouraged to call 911 in the event of an overdose. The Good Samaritan Drug Overdose Act protects people calling about an overdose or experiencing an overdose from being charged with possession while seeking help.
The signs someone may be having an overdose include:
- Difficulty walking or staying awake.
- Blue lips or nails.
- Very small pupils.
- Cold and clammy skin.
- Dizziness and confusion.
- Extreme drowsiness.
- Choking, gurgling or snoring sounds.
- Slow, weak or no breathing.
- Inability to wake up, even when being shaken or shouted at.